pizza outlet | outdoor board

pizza outlet | outdoor board 2

Ice Cream | Print Ad

theatre | restroom ad

theatre | postcard

theatre | poster

entertainment | dc lottery POS

medical insurance | POP

medical service | poster 2

pittsburgh pirates | season tix ad

pittsburgh pirates | newspaper

pittsburgh pirates | newspaper 2



Precision Tune Auto Care  | Brand / Retail National Campaign (:45 / :15 Donut)

“Everything in Tune” :60 Radio
“Sgt. Radiator” :60 Radio
“Teachers Can Change” :60 Radio


Pizza Outlet | Regional Radio

Pizza Outlet (Vocelli) | “Greatest Deals” :60 Radio
Pizza Outlet | “Hypnosis” :60 Radio


Various Retail Radio | Regional (:45 / :15 Donut)

Ohio Lottery | “Urge to Scratch” :30 Radio | “Museum of $$ blunders” :60 Radio


O E Mid-Atlantic IT | Local (:40 / :15 Donut / :05 )

“Capt. Kirk Loses Control” :60 Radio
“Mini-Camp” | :30 Baltimore Ravens Radio Network


food | pizza franchise tv

auto | oldsmobile tv spot

auto | oldsmobile tv 2

tire dealers | kelly tire tv

retail tires | kelly tire tv 2

retail | ohio lottery tv

© Dean Creative. All rights reserved | Los Angeles retail advertising agency | Brian Dean, Los angeles radio copywriter and producer / voiceover talent